

National scholarships and fellowships can support students in many ways during their academic and professional journeys. These additional learning opportunities can be beneficial to students in all disciplines with wide arrays of interests.

At the Office of National Scholars, we help students reflect on their own passions and goals to find opportunities that will move them forward, whether that be through studying abroad, interning, doing research, or attending prestigious graduate programs. We are here to encourage students and help them find ways to expand their education beyond the classroom.

We outline three steps for the scholarship and fellowship application process to help students succeed: envision, engage, and excel.

First, envision.

Before you begin working with our office, you have to think about your interests and future goals.

  • Research national scholarship opportunities by clicking through the categories on the left that interest you.

  • You should also make an to share your information with ONS advisors. We use our profile system to contact students during relevant times of the school year to help keep them informed.

Next, engage.

The best way for us to assist in your search is to talk with you.

  • Schedule an appointment with an ONS advisor via email.

You can see which advisor works with which scholarships on our staff page.
If you aren’t sure who is right for you, always feel free to contact our general email.

Finally, excel.

We want our students to succeed, so we offer personalized advising and assistance for every student who applies for a national scholarship with our office. We help with essay writing, selection of recommendation letter writers, mock interviews, and more. These application processes can be quite competitive and often require a lot of self-motivation, hard work, and drive, but you will never feel alone in the process when working with your ONS advisor.