Virtual Global Exchange


  • | Learn about virtual global exchange through easily digestible fact sheets, videos, and other resources from the Stevens Initiative.

  • | Watch a faculty panel on utilizing VGE to build partnerships and engage in professional development. This hour-long session was recorded on 11/10/2022 and features three °®°®Ö±²¥ faculty members, as well as two international partners, discussing how VGE helped strengthen their existing partnerships, forge new ones, as well as other professional benefits for their own careers at °®°®Ö±²¥.

  • °®°®Ö±²¥ Education Abroad Office – Faculty Page | International Education takes a lot of shapes at °®°®Ö±²¥, COIL is only one of them. In addition, faculty may plan in-person or virtual study abroad programs as well as integrating international virtual activities into an exisiting course. For more information you can speak to the VGE Coordinator ( or contact the Education Abroad Office.

  • | View the current list of °®°®Ö±²¥'s international partners and formal agreements. You can also map the university's global footprint of faculty and student activity.

  • | COIL is a specific kind of virtual global exchange. A wealth of information on COIL best practices and resources are available through the SUNY COIL Center. While °®°®Ö±²¥â€™s definition of VGE is a little broader than COIL, they remain a leader in the field and list excellent tools and examples.

  • | Examples of COIL collaborations from Coventry University's Centre for Global Engagement in the United Kingdom.

  •   | Adding intercultural competence to assignments can be tricky. How do we measure these outcomes? The Association of American Colleges and Universities has made a useful rubric available.