°®°®Ö±²¥ Nexus Initiative

Making a Difference

Dr. Sarath Witanachchi and his UNI partners are developing a portable energy source to provide rural areas in Africa access to electricity. Based on field results, this new device concept doubled the power generation capability.

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Partnerships in Progress

Partnerships in progress

Collaboration with partners across the nation and the world is at the core of the °®°®Ö±²¥ Nexus Initiative. The 2019 UNI Awardees are engaging those partnerships on transformative, scholarly, and innovative projects.

Research Spotlights


From studying deaf signers’ visual attention and language perception to investigating portable power generation in rural Africa, UNI awardees are engaged in projects that are advancing current human understanding and addressing pressing societal needs.


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Through joint research and scholarship, UNI awardees and their partners are shaping the futures of their local communities, their countries, and the world.