
Faculty Resources

Tutoring and writing services


Syllabus Info

The best way to get the word out about the services we offer, is to include some information in your Syllabus and Canvas course site.

Sample syllabus statement: 

For extra help in this class and many of your other courses, please be sure to visit the Academic Success Center on the second floor of the Library. For free tutoring in math, science, languages, and more, or the The Writing Studio, call 974-2713, or stop by LIB206 for more information.

CANVAS: Get your students connected.

Collaborate With Us

  • TA's can conduct office hours on site.
  • Facilitate review sessions.
  • Engage with your students, be a part of the Learning Commons Faculty Corner.
  • Our tutors can make brief classroom visits.
  • Got a star pupil who will make a great tutor? Refer them our way!

 *For extra help in this class and many of your other courses, please be sure to visit the SMART Lab on the second floor of the Library. For free tutoring in math, statistics, call 813-974-9944, or stop by LIB-232 for more information.

Writing Studio 



In addition to offering writing and research consultations to °®°®Ö±²¥ students, Writing Studio Coordinators frequently work with faculty and staff to design syllabi and create assignment prompts, organize creative lesson plans, facilitate mini-workshops for their courses (on writing topics such as citation styles and quotation integration), and train TAs to provide assistance in the development of best practices for writing feedback. 

Class Visits 

The Writing Studio is available for brief presentations to your students about Writing Studio services, hours, expectations, and benefits. If you'd like to schedule a services presentation for your class, please contact the Coordinators to arrange for a convenient day/time.


The Writing Studio offers writing resources that address topics such as outlining, writing thesis statements, writing in the sciences, citation style guidelines, and many other things. You are more than welcome to use our resources to supplement your course assignments. They are available both inside and outside the Studio or via the Resources link. If you'd like to request that we create a new handout, please contact us at °®°®Ö±²¥, and we'd be more than happy to discuss your ideas.

Syllabus Statement

If you'd like to provide your students with information about the Writing Studio, you're welcome to use the statement below on your syllabus.

For free assistance with written assignments and class projects, consider making an appointment at the Writing Studio, located on the second floor of the main library. The Studio is staffed by graduate teaching assistants from across the University who are trained in writing and communication. They can help you with strategies for developing and researching topics, writing drafts, organizing ideas and revising assignments and journal submissions. To see writing consultants' professional biographies, make an appointment, or discover online writing resources, please visit


  • We ask that you do not require students to make appointments at the Writing Studio; however, incentivizing students (i.e., extra credit) who take the initiative to make Studio appointments on their own accord is encouraged.
  • Additionally, to protect students' privacy, we do not disclose information about students' Studio appointments to their professors.