Tutoring Hub

CRLA Tutor Training Level 2

The Tutor Training Program offered through the Academic Success Center is certified through the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) 鈥 and is designed to meet the requirements for the International Tutor Training Program (ITTPC) for certified tutors levels 1-3. Each training has specific learning objectives, hour requirements, and assignment guidelines.

Week 1 - Time Requirement (2 hours)

Introductions | Review Course/Syllabus | Review Level 1 Certification Topics | Explain Reflective Journals | Readings: NO READINGS DUE

Week 2 - Time Requirement (2 hours)

***In class session is optional/ MUST INFORM INSTRUCTOR IF NOT ATTENDING- See instructions in syllabus | Asking Effective Questions | HRSE Questioning Techniques | Readings: NO READINGS DUE

Week 3 - Time Requirement (2 hours)

Interaction Patterns to Foster Academic Conversation | Effective Recommendations and Resources | The Role of Assertiveness in Tutoring | Readings: NO READINGS DUE

Week 4 - Time Requirement (2 hours)

Developing Master Students | Learning Theory and Metacognition | Helping Students Become Self-Directed Learners | Readings: Article- Why 鈥淕ood鈥 Students Do Bad鈥 in College

Week 5 - Time Requirement (2 hours)

The Impact of Mindset on Learning | Readings: NO READINGS DUE

Week 6 - Time Requirement (2 hours)

Effective Reading and Note taking Strategies | Discussion Professional Development Opportunities | Course Evaluations | Readings: NO READINGS DUE